General Options

This page provides descriptions for the different available options. For the most part, there are two types of options:

  1. Initialization - These options are used when creating a new ChatDownloader object. All subsequent get_chat method calls using this object will use these options.

  2. Program - These options are passed to the object’s get_chat method. These options are not shared between other calls to get_chat.

For implementation details and examples, see the corresponding Command-line or Python usage guide.

Initialization Options

Program Options

Message groups and types

There are two ways to specify what types of chat messages will be included:

  1. Message types - The value of message_type for the chat object

  2. Message groups - A site-specific collection of message types. One message group contains a list of message types, and each site has a number of message groups which can be used. See below for message groups (and their associated message types) for the supported sites.

Please note that these two options are mutually exclusive. So, you may only specify one at a time.

Message groups and types for the supported sites are specified as follows:
 - message_group_1
   - message_type_1
   - message_type_2
 - message_group_2
   - message_type_3
   - message_type_4

For example, specifying message_group_1 as a message group will include all messages whose type is message_type_1 or message_type_2. Alternatively, one may specify individual message types, e.g. message_type_3.

The following message groups and message types are allowed for each supported site:
- messages
  - text_message
- superchat
  - membership_item
  - paid_message
  - paid_sticker
  - sponsorships_gift_purchase_announcement
- tickers
  - ticker_paid_sticker_item
  - ticker_paid_message_item
  - ticker_sponsor_item
- banners
  - banner
  - banner_header
- donations
  - donation_announcement
- engagement
  - viewer_engagement_message
- purchases
  - purchased_product_message
- mode_changes
  - mode_change_message
- deleted
  - deleted_message
- bans
  - ban_user
- placeholder
  - placeholder_item
- messages
  - text_message
  - highlighted_message
  - send_message_in_subscriber_only_mode
- bans
  - ban_user
  - already_banned
  - bad_ban_self
  - bad_ban_broadcaster
  - bad_ban_admin
  - bad_ban_global_mod
  - bad_ban_staff
  - ban_success
  - bad_unban_no_ban
  - unban_success
  - channel_suspended_message
  - timeout_success
  - bad_timeout_self
  - bad_timeout_broadcaster
  - bad_timeout_mod
  - bad_timeout_admin
  - bad_timeout_global_mod
  - bad_timeout_staff
- deleted_messages
  - delete_message
  - banned_message
  - bad_delete_message_error
  - bad_delete_message_broadcaster
  - bad_delete_message_mod
  - delete_message_success
- hosts
  - host_target
  - start_host
  - end_host
  - bad_host_hosting
  - bad_host_rate_exceeded
  - bad_host_error
  - hosts_remaining
  - not_hosting
  - host_target_went_offline
- room_states
  - room_state
  - enable_slow_mode
  - disable_slow_mode
  - slow_mode_already_on
  - slow_mode_already_off
  - enable_subscriber_only_mode
  - disable_subscriber_only_mode
  - sub_mode_already_on
  - sub_mode_already_off
  - enable_emote_only_mode
  - disable_emote_only_mode
  - emote_only_already_on
  - emote_only_already_off
  - enable_r9k_mode
  - disable_r9k_mode
  - r9k_mode_already_on
  - r9k_mode_already_off
  - enable_follower_only_mode
  - enable_follower_only_mode
  - disable_follower_only_mode
  - follower_only_mode_already_on
  - follower_only_mode_already_on
  - follower_only_mode_already_off
- user_states
  - user_state
- notices
  - user_notice
  - notice
  - successful_login
- chants
  - crowd_chant
  - crowd_chant
- other
  - clear_chat
  - reconnect
  - cmds_available
  - unrecognized_cmd
  - no_permission
  - rate_limit_reached_message
- bits
  - bits_badge_tier
- subscriptions
  - subscription
  - resubscription
  - subscription_gift
  - anonymous_subscription_gift
  - anonymous_mystery_subscription_gift
  - mystery_subscription_gift
  - extend_subscription
  - standard_pay_forward
  - community_pay_forward
  - prime_community_gift_received
- upgrades
  - prime_paid_upgrade
  - gift_paid_upgrade
  - reward_gift
  - anonymous_gift_paid_upgrade
- raids
  - raid
  - unraid
- rituals
  - ritual
- mods
  - bad_mod_banned
  - bad_mod_mod
  - mod_success
  - bad_unmod_mod
  - unmod_success
  - no_mods
  - room_mods
- colours
  - turbo_only_colour
  - colour_changed
- commercials
  - bad_commercial_error
  - commercial_success
- vips
  - bad_vip_grantee_banned
  - bad_vip_grantee_already_vip
  - vip_success
  - bad_unvip_grantee_not_vip
  - unvip_success
  - no_vips
  - vips_success
- charity
  - charity

Outputting to a file